Saturday, October 3, 2015

Treat a Yeast Infection Naturally: 7 Home Remedies

7 Natural Remedies for treating Yeast

Yeast a fungal infection, is caused by group of microscopic Candida albicans. It is mostly seen on women’s vaginal parts. There are many reasons for the yeast infection you in which some of the common causes can be pregnancy, diabetes, stress and use of steroids. 

Some of the symptoms and signs of yeast can be irritation, itching, burning & swelling in the affected areas. Women also experience pain during intercourse and burning sensation while taking a leak if affected by yeast. 
But be at ease, because we have some simple home remedies that can help for treating yeast. 
Recently I wrote about solution on acne in the face due to stress. Here are the few working treatment for yeast infection:-

1. Coconut Oil

ways to treat yeast
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Coconut oil can help to cure yeast infection. Because coconut oil contains anti fungal properties, it can help to get rid of the fungi that cause yeast infection. To use it, apply the coconut oil in the affected areas thrice a day (morning-noon-afternoon), furthermore coconut oil can be used on hair for smooth shiny and healthy hair

2. Yogurt

yoghurt is used to treat yeast
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This dairy is not only made for eating. It is also extremely useful for treating yeast infection. Yogurt has lactobacillus acidophilus which can get control of the growth of the infection. Get a plain yogurt and apply it to the affected areas and leave it overnight for the cure of itching and burning. Do this method daily, and see yeast go away. Not only it helps on curing Yeast, yougurt and curd seems to treat acne too.

3. Garlic

garlic for yeast infection
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Isn’t garlic useful for everything? You can use it to cure acne & blackheads and also get a fair looking skin. Like that, it also helps for curing yeast infection. Garlic has “Anti” written all over it. Garlic can cure any type of yeast infection as it has antifungal, antibacterial and natural antibiotic components.
Make a paste of garlic and apply it to the affected areas. Garlic may cause bad breathe, but it certainly can remove most problems.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar is effective to treat infection
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Apple cider vinegar has distinctive components that can get rid of the fungi which cause yeast infection. To use apple cider vinegar, first mix apple cider vinegar in warm water. Drink it twice a day for the results. You can also add vinegar while taking hot bath. Just drop some vinegar while you are on tub and rest for one hour and if you are suffering from huge acne then vinegar can treat them but don't use it all over your face without decreasing the concentration

5. Cranberries

Drink alots of cranberry juice
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Cranberry is the berry used for treating yeast as it has antibacterial and antifungal. It can also treat any bladder infection. To treat the yeast infection, drink lot of cranberry juice. It is fast and heals yeast infection. See the results on short period of time.

6. Borid Acid

Apply boric acid
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Borid acid is a chemical which contains antifungal properties that can cure yeast infection. I recommend not using borid acid in the time of pregnancy. To use it for yeast infection, mix the acid with water. Apply the mixture in the affected areas. Leave it for few minutes and then risen it with water. Use it in a daily period.

7. Probiotics

Probiostics Food like curd can help
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Probiotics food will help fight and maintain gut flora that does not allow fungus like Candida to form so it can get your skin clean too. So eat probiotics food daily and treat your yeast right away.

These are the 7 remedies that can help to fight yeast and cure it. I suggest you to follow these steps daily to cure the Yeast infection. Feel free to add your own remedies in the comment below if I missed some.

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